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Nov 10, 2024 | Pastor Jenn

So Great a High Priest: Good News from the Letter of Hebrews. Part 6: Provoke One Another to Love

A few weeks ago,  I was introduced to ChatGPT. ChatGPT stands for Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. It's a chatbot that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to process natural language and generate responses. One of our youth leaders, Duane Gearhart, who works in the computer field, was telling me about it and how useful it could be at times. For instance, he showed me how he asked for it to create an image for him and it did so in less than a minute.

Well, I took that as a challenge and questioned this ChatGPT to create an image, for our Trunk or Treat. So I typed in: Graphic for Hershey United Methodist Church for Trunk or Treat Halloween. And it developed this in less than a MINUTE.

A church with a Trunk or Treat Halloween banner arcing above it. Two station wagons sit in the foreground, with hoods open, facing one another. Kids in costumes are at the front of the image, holding pumpkin pails. Jack o'lanterns are scattered all over the image.

It asked if I wanted any adjustments and so I said “make the church gray stone” So here it is:

A Trunk or Treat banner stretches over a gray stone church. In front of it are several cars and children in costumes. Jack o'lanterns are scattered liberally around the image.

Could you make the church look like a fortress:

30 SECONDS LATER Here was the result:

A gray stone castle with Trunk or Treat banners on the pillars on each side stands in front of a field with cars and trick or treaters in the foreground

Lastly, take the pillars off of the building. And so:

A square shaped gray stone fortress stands at a 45 degree angle to the camera, with cars lined up around it and trick or treaters walking around.

Crazy, right???

And as I was sharing this with Duane, I asked him if this impacts his work, meaning could he be without a job, granted I don’t know exactly what Duane does, I just know its with computers, and he said not now but possibly in the future, hopefully after he has retired.

It makes you think, doesn’t it? Do any of you remember how in 2008 Pixar released a movie titled Wall-E  which stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter Earth-Class). Wall-E s the last robot left on Earth, programmed to clean up the planet, one trash cube at a time. Eventually he makes his way to a starship where some of the human population resides and this is what our future was predicted to look like.

Notice, humans make no connection with each other, other than on screens. They don’t even stop to help one another when needed.

In our Hebrews lesson today, the author is inviting us to know that everyone needs encouragement from those around us, and that is what we, as a body of faith, are called to do. Something no robots nor AI can replace fully. 

Last week learned about how faith is trusting in God’s good purposes that bigger than our own, now we are going to go back a little to chapter 10 again and we read the buildup of this letter, how what God has done in Jesus is our salvation, v 19 19 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, (his sacrifice is all that is needed to be forgiven)

20 by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain (that is, through his flesh), (open the curtain was a reference to the Holy of Holies where God was present in the Temple- Jesus makes God present to all of us)

21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water (believer’s baptism).

23 Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. (reminder of the faith Jesus reveals for us is the faith God has in us and for us)

24 And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. The author states, since we all agree in these things, that Jesus has saved us and opened our way to a faithful God, let’s “provoke one another to love and good deeds”- in other words let’s love one another, help each other out- and do so on a regular basis, when we meet together, for worship. Because with worship, we are reminded of what God has done, is doing, and that inspires our belief and daily living. 

For the congregation Hebrews was written to, consider how their church would be a gathering to check in on who was safe and who had survived the week as persecution was occurring and times were dire. (read verses 32-34 again). But they gathered, to share how God was present with them through their week, and how God was faithful.

It is the same for any body of faith. We come together, to be a witness of what God’s faithfulness has done in our lives, and we share those things in order to feel closer to God and to each other. We share it in the songs we sing together, the scriptures we study, the prayers we offer, and we share it in our witness to one another.

Let me share a witness from this church that is inspirational, and faith filled. On March 31, 2024, while many of us were waking up to prepare to celebrate Easter services that day, Jessica Boyer was giving birth to her second set of twins, who were not expected to be born until the summer months. Giving birth so early, and giving birth to two babies at once was trying to say the least. Fortunately, we are blessed to have the Penn State Hershey Children’s hospital who is equipped and knowledgeable to handle such a case. Lucas and Leo were born that day, both fitting in the palm of their father’s hands.

While having preemies at such a young age is trying, I asked Jess to share with us how she was able to see God through it, and I want to share what she wrote: “God was definitely at work during their time at the hospital and he continues to be. He was there with the doctors, nurses, and medical staff during their 60 day stay at the NICU as they were patient, kind, encouraging and offered the best care possible to our tiny babies.

God was there through our family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors who traveled to the NICU with us, provided meals, checked in on our mental health, and gave their time and attention to Isabel and Rowan (Lucas and Leo’s older siblings), while there was a focus on the health of their new brothers. God was there through our church friends and family, who jumped in and provided meals, visited our home and provided prayers and encouraging words, and through the Discovery Club leaders who made cards, care baskets, and checked in on our family’s needs as we navigated life both at home and in the NICU. The days were long but God continued to provide us with reminders that we had the support to remain strong for our babies, and that every day was an opportunity for them to grow.  We are so thankful to be their parents and that God chose and trusts us to be the parents, of not only one, but two sets of twins!” 

Today we celebrate that Lucas and Leo will be baptized at our 10am service, being washed with pure water as our text shared, welcoming them into this body of faith.   

Friends, the book of Hebrews reminds us that every Christian needs the encouragement of every other Christian. That’s why when we come in here, we become part of each other’s lives as a family of believers. And in doing so we learn to see God at work. How God works through each other’s lives like the Boyer’s with medical staff, family, friends. And by seeing, witnessing, learning of those experiences, don’t we become encouraged too?

Our scripture text ends with: 35 Do not, therefore, abandon that boldness of yours; it brings a great reward. 36 For you need endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what was promised.

We, offer endurance to one another. And no AI program will ever replace that, because no AI can relate to what we relate to with God through Jesus Christ, and with each other.

I like the way the Message states verse 36: we’re not quitters who lose out. Oh, no! We’ll stay with it and survive, trusting all the way.

(Preemie baby Leo’s little hand)

Let us pray:

Good and faithful God,

We give you thanks for this family here at First Hershey. We thank you for our baptism that draws us together from different backgrounds, different places, different ages. And despite our differences, in that baptism we are united in your love revealed in Jesus Christ. So we thank you for the baptisms of Lucas and Leo today.

As our country comes out of this time of election, we ask that our church family may be a symbol, a beacon of how differences can and should unite for the common good of justice and peace for all, and compassion and support to those who are most vulnerable in our midst.

We lift up all our elected leaders, may your thoughts fill their minds, may your will touch their hearts, and may your grace lead their way.

We ask this as we commit ourselves to you and to each other with the words your Son taught us to pray, saying….Our Father….(sins) Amen.


Offering: If you were to guess how much we spend on maintenance and upkeep of this building, what would you guess? The current Grand total of Building, Grounds, and Utilities (minus the parsonage) : 94,942.60 (Jan to September 2024)

We saved $22,504.20 this year thanks to the hard and diligent work of our Trustees Chair and committee.

Yet have work to be done to replace part of roof and an HVAC unit that will cost $33,000.

We spent $162,465 total for the maintenance and utilities of this building in 2023 ($13,538 month or 3,124 per week) As the Renovation Committee meets, one of the big factors we face is the upkeep of this building. Is there a way to make it more accessible and sustainable?

As we work through that, we continue to appreciate your support to keep the doors open and the building running for the various ministries we offer in our building. We thank you for your offerings….