Bible Studies and Adult Classes
Growing together in Christ
At First UMC we offer various opportunities for growth in discipleship.
Fellowship Class: We Three Kings of Israel Are - The Stories of Sam and Saul and Dave and Sol
In October the Fellowship Class looked at the prophet Samuel and in November we were introduced to King Saul. Now in our study we’ve finally reached David who will dominate the rest of 1st Samuel and all of 2nd Samuel. It’s never too late to join us every Sunday morning at 9:00 am in the Social Hall.
Winter Bible Study on the Apocrypha
The Monday night winter Bible study will be held in the upper overflow from 6:30-8:00 pm, and the Tuesday morning study will be in the ‘bowling alley’ from 9:00-10:30 am. Zoom participation is also offered. The course will continue until March 17/18.
This will be a different kind of biblical study since we will be looking at the Apocrypha – those mysterious books that can be found between the Old and New Testaments in some versions of the Bible. United Methodists do not recognize these fourteen texts as part of Holy Scripture, but we can learn something from them, as they provide some valuable insights into the history and theology of the three centuries or so before the birth of Jesus. Our focus will be Tobit, the first apocryphal book (a love story about a guy with a guardian angel who meets a girl with a vengeful demon – sort of a bizarro Hallmark Movie). I’ve also planned readings from some other texts as well, including the Infancy Gospel of Thomas (featuring a fanciful re-creation of the childhood years of our Lord and Savior – casting him as a first-century Dennis the Menace).
As always, no previous bible experience is necessary, just an open mind and open heart.
Stress-Free Church Gathering
How can our faith relieve stress? Studies have shown that “Spiritual practices like meditation are linked to increased levels of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins; and decreased levels of cortisol and noradrenaline, which are associated with stress.” (Mental Health America, (MHA), 2024).
On Wednesdays, Pastor Jenn will offer a weekly Stress-Free Church Gathering in the prayer room at 6:00 pm. Time will include mindfulness-based stress reduction practices combined with spiritual offerings. All are welcome; wear comfortable clothing. The session will run around 30 minutes each week.